
Taman Bacaan Danarto 「ダナルトの読書の庭」

at ARCUS Project, Moriya

November 14 – 17 , 2024

Knowing that ARCUS is located inside a former school, our minds have been set to our open library format—“Taman Bacaan Danarto” [Danarto Reading Park]. For many, libraries evoke memories of skipping class, chewing gum behind the bookshelves, and whispering—that often sparks the loudest laughter. That’s the reading park we envisioned. Instead of approaching visitors as viewers, we want to treat them as people coming into libraries as they automatically become an active agent who comes to read, to advance their knowledge—therefore themselves—, to be a part of the library set up. Therefore, we also reached out to our friends to join our research process–not only during this residency, but also what could come after. As of now, we are joined by David Teh, Kumakura Haruko, Nakamura Yuta, and Osaka Koichiro.  

Danarto’s (1941-2018) past engagement in Japan as our departing point has led us to a series of encounters with individuals and groups that contribute to growing the Taman Bacaan together. From Nakagawa Katsuhiro-san, who worked for the Osaka Expo 1970 and made lasting friendships with people from Indonesia Pavilion (where Danarto was the stage designer); researchers of Center for Southeast Asian Studies in Kyoto University (where Danarto did a residency in 1990-1991) and JAALA (Japan, Asian, African, Latin-American Artist Association), in relation to our publication of a selection of Danarto’s short stories from 1968-2009 that are about and around Palestine. Taman Bacaan Danarto at ARCUS is not only a space for sharing our ongoing research, but also a hub to find comrades and solidaric people within the arts community in Japan.  

(Photo by Kato Hajime)



David Teh 

中村 裕太 Nakamura Yuta

大坂紘一郎 Osaka Koichiro 

熊倉晴子 Kumakura Haruko 

Kyongfa Che

Andhika Faisal

イマイ恵子 Imai Keiko

小林はくどう Kobayashi Hakudo 

Urasaki Isao 

Takahara Koichi

Koga Tobu

伊藤嶺、千絵 Ito Rei and Chie 

Onda Aki 

Onda Makiko 

Fujimoto Yumiko

Ozawa Keisuke 

Kuroda Raiji

Riszky Maulana Fahreza


Rizky Adelwin Junirman

Arya Putra Djenar

Genta Kuno

土佐 美菜実 Tosa Minami

Nakagawa Katsuhiro 

Ueda Kiyo 

Tanji Rie 

Eva Seiler

Ikeda Kaho

Sardono W. Kusumo

Hikmat Darmawan

Seno Gumira Ajidarma

Anissa Rahadiningtyas

Hairus Salim HS

Julian Abraham “Togar”

Saleh Husein

Sakdiyah Ma’ruf

Arie Syarifuddin “Alghorie”

Enin Supriyanto 

Danarto’s family 

Kiki Rizky Soetisna Putri

Dikdik Sayahdikumullah

Irregular Rhythm Asylum

JAALA (Japan, Asian, African, Latin-American Artist Association)

大阪府日本万国博覧会記念公園事務所 Osaka Commemorative Park Office for the Japan World Exposition

Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University

Nantoka Bar 

Pusat Dokumentasi Sastra HB Jassin

Dewan Kesenian Jakarta & Taman Ismail Marzuki

CIVAS (Center for Indonesian Visual Art Studies), Bandung Institute of Technology

Directorate General of Culture, Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology Republic of Indonesia

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