Edhi Sunarso may well be the only artist who worked with all regimes, all throughout the time, including after Reformasi. Artists from Sukarno’s era are generally attached, or associated in whatever ways, to the Indonesia Communist Party or its cultural under-bow, LEKRA. This means that during Soeharto’s regime, they would have been either annihilated, silenced, […]
A adawi— mirip apa-apa yang ada adigung — membanggakan kebesaran diri anganan — 1 apa-apa yang diangankan; 2 hasil anganan, mis. suatu gambar anggit — >> menganggit = mengarang, menggubah, menyusun >> anggitan anta— sifat/khuluk hakiki artikel — dari article, sebutan bagi karangan dalam CD dll. asbun — asal bunyi asor — (ber)mutu rendah, inferior; kuwamula*, kalah awa … […]
On whose TERMS? Under what CONDITIONS? How are these APPLIED? A two-day symposium curated by Cemeti and Hyphen Date/Time 18 & 19 September 2018 09.30-17.00 hrs Lunch and snacks provided by YohanaTitis @kitchenlab.jogja Location Pusat Kajian Islam dan Transformasi Sosial (Yayasan LKiS) Jl. Pura 203, Sorowajan, Bantul, Yogyakarta With contributions by Anang Saptoto, Bakudapan, Brigitta […]
by Oesman Effendi Before I elaborate on this presentation’s title, “Painting in Indonesia Then and Now,” I would like to share my understanding of a few general terms that are used in relation to painting, in order to avoid any misunderstandings in the following presentation. The term painting in IndonesiaHere I am referring to painting […]
by Prof. Dr. Sudjoko In a wider sense, art is something that people do everyday; the art of cooking; the art of babysitting; the art of selling; the art of diplomacy; the art of governing; the art of war; etc. Gilbert Highet taught us The Art of Teaching. Ernest Dimnet, The Art of Thinking. And, […]
Towards Moelyono’s retrospective exhibition in 2018 In December 2015, Grace interviewed Bonyong Munni Ardhi about his fight against what they call as ‘the old art of Indonesia’ in the 1970s. With a couple of his peers, he was part of the influential Indonesia New Art Movement (1975-1989) that began right after they sent a flower […]
Para akademisi dan sejarawan seni nyaris sepakat bahwa GSRBI berpengaruh besar dalam perkembangan seni rupa di Indonesia. Satu-satunya buku yang benar-benar pernah diterbitkan dan didistribusikan kepada publik mengenai mereka adalah buku bertajuk Gerakan Seni Rupa Baru Indonesia (Jakarta: Gramedia, 1979) yang bahannya dikumpulkan, dirancang, dan disunting oleh para eksponennya sendiri. Tak banyak cerita mengenai karya […]
We have been working on this Seni Rupa Baru research since 2013. Now, we are finally in the process of editing the new 11 essays! They are: Amanda K. Rath; Bambang Bujono; Patrick D. Flores; Hendro Wiyanto; TK Sabapathy; Nuraini Juliastuti; Aminuddin TH Siregar; Mahardika Yudha; Brigitta Isabella and Syafiatudina; and ourselves, Hyphen. Facts, news and essays from within […]
Join us in Melbourne for a three-day symposium to reflect on the pivotal, artist-run events that engendered a transnational contemporary art circuit in Southeast Asia in the 1990s. Informed by recent archival research undertaken into Chiang Mai Social Installation (CMSI), an art festival held in northern Thailand, we propose three key questions for discussion during […]
Disalin dari tempo.co Jum’at, 10 Juni 2016 | 23:00 WIB Shinta Maharani TEMPO.CO, Yogyakarta – Sejumlah seniman yang memamerkan karyanya dalam Art Jog kesembilan di Jogja National Museum mengaku terganggu oleh keberadaan Freeport Indonesia sebagai sponsor bursa pasar seni terbesar di Yogyakarta itu. Salah seorang peserta pameran, Mohamad Yusuf atau Ucup, mengatakan semula tidak tahu […]