3 KARYA! adalah sebuah situs-tumbuh yang menghadirkan sejarah karya seni rupa Indonesia dari sudut pandang para pelakunya (seniman, kurator, kolektor, galeris, manajer, artisan, dll). Karya-karya seni rupa yang dicatatkan dalam 3 KARYA! tidak berbatas waktu (dibuat pada tahun berapa saja) dan tidak berbatas bentuk (mulai dari lukisan, grafis, gambar, video, performans, patung, obyek, happening, intervensi, site specific, karya seni di ruang […]
VENUE Jogja National Museum Jl. Prof. Ki Amri Yahya 1, Yogyakarta Open daily 10 AM – 9 PM OPENING RECEPTION Monday, July 1, 7.30 PM EVENT CALENDAR High tea and guided tour by Hendro Wiyanto Saturday, July 6, 4.30 PM Guided tour by Grace Samboh Friday, July 12, 4.30 PM Artist talk and guided tour […]
Equator Symposium is international in scale, involving specialists and practitioners from various nations which can be included in breadth and scope of the equatorial line. Within the framework of an expert and knowledgeable discourse, the Equator Symposium will be cross-disciplinary, although its focus of attention is contemporary art. In this way the practice and discourse […]
It is generally agreed by scholars, critics and art practitioners alike that Gerakan Seni Rupa Baru Indonesia (GSRBI, Indonesia New Art Movement) is an influential art collective which has played a very significant role in the development of contemporary art in Indonesia. However, there is very little reliable material or comprehensive information about GSRBI. To […]
Sumber foto: Twitter @parallab Harian KOMPAS, edisi Minggu, 11 Januari 2009. Halaman: 29 YANG KEREN DAN TERKENDALI Siapa pun yang rajin nonton pameran seni rupa kontemporer tak akan heran ketika melihat karya seni yang terbuat dari benda sehari-hari seperti kursi, batu bata, lampu kelap-kelip plus efek ini itu, foto-foto, tulisan dan gambar oret-oretan di dinding, […]
Logbook credits Editor: Grace Samboh & Jimmy Ong Image: Makcik Project except where creditted (Antariksa, Budi ND Dharmawan, Nala Nandana) Design & layout: Ratna Mufida Click here to download the logbook of MAKCIK PROJECT #01 About the project The Makcik Project is a collaboration of three artists who grew interest on the same subject within their individual reasons. […]
Disusun oleh: Adjat Sakri, Mocthar Apin, Sanento Yuliman, G. Sidharta, dan A. Subarna Penerbit ITB, Bandung, 1985 A abstract, sari ; abstrak accessory, lengkapan advertisement, iklan ; reklame ; pariwara advertising, periklanan alloy (v.), melakurkan alloy (n.), lakuran analogous color, warna karib analogy, kias ; analogi antique, kuna ; antik antiquity, 1. kekunaan ; keantikan. […]
NewYorkarto: Orang Jawa Ngerap di New York (Javanese Man Raps in New York) Jogja Hip Hop Foundation‘s solo concert Friday-Saturday, 27-28 April 2012 Graha Bhakti Budaya, Taman Ismail Marzuki Jakarta, Indonesia Catalog credit Editor: Grace Samboh Image: Respected individuals, X-CODE Films, Fotografer.net Cover illustrations: Indieguerrilas Design, layout, print: Ratna Mufida
Printing specifications Cover: Gold hot-print on doff-laminated hardcover Content paper type: Bookpaper 90gr Size: 25 x 17 cm Binding: Perfect
Printing specification Size: A5 (21,5 x 14,85 cm) Color: Black Paper: Bookpaper 90gr Binding: Staple *** About RRRECFEST The festival name, RRRECFEST, was invented by the curators of RRRECFEST #1, Henry Foundation and Nasta Sutardjo; for a sub-event in the Decompression #10 ruangrupa’s 10th anniversary. Since the beginning, ruangrupa has always been closely related to the […]