Equator Symposium is international in scale, involving specialists and practitioners from various nations which can be included in breadth and scope of the equatorial line. Within the framework of an expert and knowledgeable discourse, the Equator Symposium will be cross-disciplinary, although its focus of attention is contemporary art. In this way the practice and discourse […]
Logbook credits Editor: Grace Samboh & Jimmy Ong Image: Makcik Project except where creditted (Antariksa, Budi ND Dharmawan, Nala Nandana) Design & layout: Ratna Mufida Click here to download the logbook of MAKCIK PROJECT #01 About the project The Makcik Project is a collaboration of three artists who grew interest on the same subject within their individual reasons. […]
NewYorkarto: Orang Jawa Ngerap di New York (Javanese Man Raps in New York) Jogja Hip Hop Foundation‘s solo concert Friday-Saturday, 27-28 April 2012 Graha Bhakti Budaya, Taman Ismail Marzuki Jakarta, Indonesia Catalog credit Editor: Grace Samboh Image: Respected individuals, X-CODE Films, Fotografer.net Cover illustrations: Indieguerrilas Design, layout, print: Ratna Mufida
Printing specifications Cover: Gold hot-print on doff-laminated hardcover Content paper type: Bookpaper 90gr Size: 25 x 17 cm Binding: Perfect
Printing specification Size: A5 (21,5 x 14,85 cm) Color: Black Paper: Bookpaper 90gr Binding: Staple *** About RRRECFEST The festival name, RRRECFEST, was invented by the curators of RRRECFEST #1, Henry Foundation and Nasta Sutardjo; for a sub-event in the Decompression #10 ruangrupa’s 10th anniversary. Since the beginning, ruangrupa has always been closely related to the […]
Printing specifications Cover: Doff-laminated sofcover Content paper type: Bookpaper 90gr Size: 25 x 17 cm Binding: Perfect
The monograph contains all publications on S. Teddy D. until March 2012. A retrospective show was also done by Langgeng Art Foundation during the launch of this monograph. The research for the retrospective and this monograph was done Grace Samboh and Ditya Sarasiastuti. The retrospective show was curated by Enin Supriyant0, Grace Samboh and Hendro Wiyanto. Design, layout and printing […]
Ratna Mufida is the communication officer for ART|JOG|11; and Grace Samboh is the editor for all published materials. *** Printing specifications Proposal Cover: Nylon-wrapped 300gr carton Content paper type: HVS 90gr Size: A4 (21 x 29,7 cm) Binding: Standard wire-o Guide book Cover: Doff-laminated 230 gr art carton Content paper type: Bookpaper 90gr Size: 12 x 24 […]
Electric Palm Tree Textbook No. 1 A well respected man, or book of echoes (English/Dutch/Indonesian bahasa) Edited by Binna Choi and Wendelien van Oldenborgh Texts by Binna Choi, Lizzy van Leeuwen, Nuraini Juliastuti, Wendelien van Oldenborgh, Soewardi Soeryadiningrat/Ki Hajar Dewantara Co-published by Casco and Sternberg Press Design by Julia Born English to Indonesian bahasa translation […]
Langgeng Art Foundation‘s grand design and branding is built by Enin Supriyanto (who was the director of the foundation). Design, layout and editorial work is done by Grace Samboh (who was the executive director for the foundation during the publishing period). Printing productions was done under the supervision of Ratna Mufida. *** Printing specifications: Content […]