On whose TERMS? Under what CONDITIONS? How are these APPLIED? A two-day symposium curated by Cemeti and Hyphen Date/Time 18 & 19 September 2018 09.30-17.00 hrs Lunch and snacks provided by YohanaTitis @kitchenlab.jogja Location Pusat Kajian Islam dan Transformasi Sosial (Yayasan LKiS) Jl. Pura 203, Sorowajan, Bantul, Yogyakarta With contributions by Anang Saptoto, Bakudapan, Brigitta […]
Para akademisi dan sejarawan seni nyaris sepakat bahwa GSRBI berpengaruh besar dalam perkembangan seni rupa di Indonesia. Satu-satunya buku yang benar-benar pernah diterbitkan dan didistribusikan kepada publik mengenai mereka adalah buku bertajuk Gerakan Seni Rupa Baru Indonesia (Jakarta: Gramedia, 1979) yang bahannya dikumpulkan, dirancang, dan disunting oleh para eksponennya sendiri. Tak banyak cerita mengenai karya […]
VENUE Jogja National Museum Jl. Prof. Ki Amri Yahya 1, Yogyakarta Open daily 10 AM – 9 PM OPENING RECEPTION Monday, July 1, 7.30 PM EVENT CALENDAR High tea and guided tour by Hendro Wiyanto Saturday, July 6, 4.30 PM Guided tour by Grace Samboh Friday, July 12, 4.30 PM Artist talk and guided tour […]
Printing specifications Cover: Gold hot-print on doff-laminated hardcover Content paper type: Bookpaper 90gr Size: 25 x 17 cm Binding: Perfect
Printing specification Size: A5 (21,5 x 14,85 cm) Color: Black Paper: Bookpaper 90gr Binding: Staple *** About RRRECFEST The festival name, RRRECFEST, was invented by the curators of RRRECFEST #1, Henry Foundation and Nasta Sutardjo; for a sub-event in the Decompression #10 ruangrupa’s 10th anniversary. Since the beginning, ruangrupa has always been closely related to the […]
Printing specifications Cover: Doff-laminated sofcover Content paper type: Bookpaper 90gr Size: 25 x 17 cm Binding: Perfect
Ratna Mufida is the communication officer for ART|JOG|11; and Grace Samboh is the editor for all published materials. *** Printing specifications Proposal Cover: Nylon-wrapped 300gr carton Content paper type: HVS 90gr Size: A4 (21 x 29,7 cm) Binding: Standard wire-o Guide book Cover: Doff-laminated 230 gr art carton Content paper type: Bookpaper 90gr Size: 12 x 24 […]
Langgeng Art Foundation‘s grand design and branding is built by Enin Supriyanto (who was the director of the foundation). Design, layout and editorial work is done by Grace Samboh (who was the executive director for the foundation during the publishing period). Printing productions was done under the supervision of Ratna Mufida. *** Printing specifications: Content […]
Ratna Mufida is the communication officer for ART|JOG|11; and Grace Samboh is the editor for all published materials. *** Printing specifications Flyer, invitations, poster, zine, guide Paper type: Bookpaper 90gr Size: 24 x 48 cm Folding: Four times, specialized Catalogue Cover: Hot-print on glossy-laminated 230 gr art carton Content paper type: Art paper 150gr Size: […]
Polemik ini semuanya dimuat dalam harian Kedaulatan Rakyat (Yogyakarta), 1975, dan dikumpulkan oleh Sudarmadji dan dimuat dalam buku Gerakan Seni Rupa Baru Indonesia (Jakarta: Gramedia, 1979) suntingan Jim Supangkat. Seni Rupa Baru menurut Kusnadi Wawancara oleh Supono PR Di ruang Pameran Taman Ismail Marzuki Jakarta permulaan Agustus, diselenggarakan “Pameran Seni Rupa Baru Indonesia ‘75”. Menampilkan karya […]